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That's something I actually wondered one day - so I wrote some scripts to find out:

Here are the (almost) raw numbers used to generate this graph.

You may notice that the sum of all the values in the graph does not add up to the 'total messages received' number. That is because I don't graph the number of 'unknown mailers' (messages without X-Mailer headers). You can find this number on the raw data page. Add it to the other counts and everything will come out correct.

Updated every hour (did you really think I would trust you with a cgi script)?

I need to explain this thing at some point. Right now you just need to know that I count X-Mailer and User-Agent message headers.

Unfortunately it appears at this point that the vast majority of emails I receive do not contain these headers. I suspect this is because I am on a lot of mail lists. An improvement to this report might be to start looking for things like Majordomo headers too.

Here are the three scripts that collect the data and generate the graph: xmget xmdump xmlistconv


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