The WindowMaker window manager has a theme mechanism which controls your background images, titlebar images, etc. This is controlled with the setstyle program.
I wrote the following script to invoke setstyle and give it a random theme:
#!/usr/bin/tcl # A script to randomly select a new windowmaker theme. # Phil Hollenback # # 4/29/03 set Background [ lindex $argv 0 ] set ScriptName [ file tail $argv0 ] set dir "~/GNUstep/Library/WindowMaker/Themes" set styleprog /usr/X11R6/bin/setstyle set SleepTime 3600 set themelist [ readdir $dir ] proc PrintUsage {} { global ScriptName SleepTime puts "Usage: $ScriptName \[-b\]" puts "optional b switch causes program to stay running and wake up every $SleepTime" puts "seconds to change the background." } if { $argc > 1 } { PrintUsage exit 1 } # Pick a random theme from the list. random seed set picknum [ random [ llength $themelist ] ] set theme [ lindex $themelist $picknum ] #echo "theme is $theme" if [ file exists "$dir/$theme" ] { set result [system $styleprog $dir/"$theme"] if [ expr $result != 0 ] { puts stderr "$styleprog failed!" puts stderr "Theme was $dir/$theme" exit 1 } if { [ string compare $Background "-b" ] != 0 } { # quit unless user specified "-b" persistent switch. exit 0 } } else { echo "Can't find theme $dir/$theme! Where did it go?" exit 1 } # Sleep for a while, then respawn to change the background again. sleep $SleepTime execl $argv0 "-b"
To use this script, start it in your .xsession or .startxrc with the -b switch. It will then change the theme every 30 minutes. If you call it without the -b switch, it changes the theme immediately and exits.
--phil 3/7/02