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Bundler Timeouts

After an Artifactory upgrade at work, users began complaining that bundler was timing out trying to fetch dependencies. Bundler wold try 4 times to download the dependencies for a gem, and then give up. After that it would just download the gemspec for every gem, which would take many, many times longer than retrieving the index.

I should note of course that we are using Artifactory as our gem repo, and the bundler Gemfile was pointing at our Artifactory server. Both the old and new server used mysql for the backend.

Oddly, this had never been an issue with the previous server. After a bunch of troubleshooting, I discovered that gem queries on the old server to the old mysql server on the same host were taking .25ms. The same queries on the new server were taking 5ms, or 40x longer. The new server is in AWS and the new mysql server is in Amazon RDS (AWS hosted mysql).

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